
FREE TRAINING now available! Meet the best solution for your business sire. E-learning on sexual harassment at work for all workers, employers and employees, in companies/social economy organisations and traditional companies. Access the e-learning platform FREE TRAINING now available! E-learning on sexual harassment at work for all workers, employers and employees, in companies/social economy organisations and traditional companies. Access the e-learning platform

What is the issue SET THE TONE is dealing with?

Violence and harassment in the workplace deprive people of their dignity and represent a threat to equal opportunities and safe, healthy, and productive working environments.
Workers affected by it feel insecure about their work, are more frequently absent, and may even be unable to work, with consequent impacts on productivity and corporate and public costs.

SET THE TONE project aims at tackling the threat of gender-based violence and harassment at the workplace by actively engaging employers and employees as positive key players in preventing and reporting sexual harassment cases.


Our European Alliance is committed to changing the mind-set and behaviors towards gender stereotypes and sexual harassment, according to what is required at EU level.

Sign the Charter of Engagement to join the European Alliance members to engage in the network’s activities. By signing this document, civil society, public authorities and businesses take a strong commitment to the fight against sexual harassment and GBV at the workplace.



    European Alliance.

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    Social economy enterprises and SMEs together aim to support victims of Gender-based violence (GBV), to transform companies in leaders on this fight and to encourage a behavioral change within the private sector.


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    Collecting information directly from the enterprises, helps to understand the perception and awareness of psychological sexual harassment within the enterprises and analyse the specific needs of the workers.

    Training course.

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    A tailored training for employers and employees, possible victims and perpetrators. The training programme supports the improvement of competences to address sexual harassment at workplace, in reporting and responding to sexual harassment.
    Final Conference | Registration and draft agenda

    Over the last 2 years, we have been working to engage enterprises in the creation of safe and inclusive workplaces free of harassment and violence. Through the Charter of Engagement

    Save The Date | 25 November 2022

    This November, to mark the International Day for combating all forms of discrimination and violence against women, we are organizing the conference Be The Change: making workplaces safe from sexual
