Over the last 2 years, we have been working to engage enterprises in the creation of safe and inclusive workplaces free of harassment and violence. Through the Charter of Engagement more than 40 organizations joined the European Alliance to fight sexual harassment and GBV in the workplace, over 300 workers were trained with our Training online and in-person and thousands more reached through the Awareness Raising Campaign all over Europe.ย
This November 25, we are organizing the final eventย Be The Change: making workplaces safe from sexual harassmentย
The latest version of AGENDAย is available here.
The event will be a major milestone to ensure unification and commitment to the future of workers in Europe by bringing the voices of relevant EU actors, among others the European Women’s Lobby, ETUC, ILO, EESC, European Commission as well as those actors working to combat GBV at local and national levels, and most importantly, the experiences of enterprises and individuals on their health and safety journey.ย
The event takes place at the Gender Equality Crossroad, Amazone, located in Rue du Mรฉridien 10, at the heart of Brussels from 9h30.ย ย